Zachary Bricken

- BA (2023) University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Contact Info
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
My research focuses on the development of technological interventions to help children and adolescents treat and manage their health and how current technological tools can be used to study and monitor how children and adolescents make their moment-to-moment health decisions. I’m also interested in how individual differences affect the adoption and efficacy of these tools and interventions.
Selected Presentations —
Duong, J.B., Viltz, A., Hendrick, A., Marquez, C., Hornik, O., Zaman, P., Bricken, Z., Carta, K., Walters, S., Benamu, D., Jumonville, G., & Timmons, A.C. Examining sociocultural barrier and support to mHealth utilization via mixed methods approach. In Duong, J.B (Chair) & Timmons, A.T. (Chair), Breaking down barriers: Bridging Evidence-based digital mental health care and culturally inclusive technology. Symposium abstract accepted at the 57th Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention (ABCT), Seattle, WA.