Matthew W. Mosconi, Ph.D.

- Professor and Interim Chair of Department of Clinical Child Psychology
- Director, Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART)
- Senior Scientist, Life Span Institute
- Interim Associate Director/Senior Scientist, Life Span Institute
Contact Info
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66045
1315 Wakarusa Drive
Lawrence, KS 66049
Biography —
Dr. Mosconi is accepting applications for Fall 2025 admissions.
Education —
Research —
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Autism
- Developmental cognitive neuroscience
- Assessment of developmental disabilities
Selected Publications —
McKinney W, Kelly SE, Unruh KE, Shafer RL, Sweeney JA, Styner M, Mosconi MW (in press). Cerebellar volumes and sensorimotor behavior in autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 16(821109). Doi: 10.3389/fnint.2022.821109ISI=2.73
McLennan Y, Mosconi MW, McKenzie FJ, Famula J, Krawchuk B, Kim K, Clark CJ, Hesse D, Rivera SM, Simon TJ, Tassone F, Hagerman RJ. (2022). Prosaccade and Antisaccade Behavior in Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome Progression. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 9(4): 473-478. debut Impact Factor scheduled for June 2022
Cosgrove KT, McDermott TJ, White EJ, Mosconi MW, Thompson WK, Paulus MP, Cardenas-Iniguez C, Aupperle RL, (2022). Limits to the generalizability of resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of youth: An examination of ABCD StudyR baseline data. Brain Imaging and Behavior. ISI=3.59
Hawks Z, Todorov A, Marrus N, Nishino T, Talovic M, Nebel MB, Girault J, Davis S, Marek S, Seitzman B, Eggebrecht A, Elison JT, Mosconi MW, Tychsen L, Snyder A, Botteron K, Estes A, Evans A, Gerig G, Hazlett H, McKinstry R, Pandey J, Schultz R, Styner M, Wolff J, Zwaigenbaum L, Markson L, Peterson S, Constantino J, White D, Piven J, Pruett J. (2021). A prospective evaluation of infant cerebellar-cerebral functional connectivity in relation to behavioral development in autism. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science. ISI=debut Impact Factor in 2023
Lepping RJ, McKinney WS, Magnon GC, Keedy S, Wang Z, Coombes SA, Vaillancourt DE, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW (2022). Visuomotor brain network activation and functional connectivity among individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Human Brain Mapping 43(2):844-859. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25692 ISI=4.99
Shafer RL, Wang Z, Bartolotti J, Mosconi MW (2021). Visual and somatosensory feedback mechanisms of precision manual motor control in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 13(1):32. doi: 10.1186/s11689-021-09381-2 ISI=4.00
Shogren KA, Mosconi MW, Raley SK, Dean EE, Edwards B, Wallisch A, Boyd B, Kiblen JC. (2021). Advancing the personalization of assessment and intervention in autistic adolescents and young adults by targeting self-determination and executive processes. Autism in Adulthood, 3(4): has not yet received its first impact factor
Unruh KE, McKinney WS, Bojanek EK Fleming KK, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW (2021). Initial action output and feedback-guided motor behaviors in autism spectrum disorder. Molecular Autism 12(1):52. doi: 10.1186/s13229-021-00452-8 ISI=6.3
Baldwin I, Shafer R, Hossain W, Gunewardena S, Veatch O, Mosconi MW, Butler M. (2021). Genomic, clinical and behavioral characterization of 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 Deletion (Burnside-Butler) Syndrome in five families. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(4):1660. doi: 10.3390/ijms22041660. ISI=4.65
Wang Z, Lane C, Terza M, Khemani P, Lui S, McKinney WS, Mosconi MW (2021). Upper and Lower Limb Movement Kinematics in Aging FMR1 Gene Premutation Carriers. Brain Sciences, 11(1), 13: doi: 10.3390/brainsci11010013ISI=3.3 (no 5 year impact factor available; this reflects IF for year of publication)
Mariscal MG, Berry-Kravis E, Buxbaum JD, Ethridge LE, Filip-Dhima R, Foss-Feig JH, Kolevzon A, Modi ME, Mosconi MW, Nelson CA, Powell CM; Siper PM, Soorya L, Thaliath A, Thurm A, Zhang B, Sahin M, Levin AR. (2021). Shifted Phase of EEG Cross-Frequency Coupling in Individuals with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome. Molecular Autism 12(1):29. doi: 10.1186/s13229-020-00411-9 ISI=6.3
Kelly SE, Schmitt LM, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW (2020). Proactive control processes associated with reduced behavioral response inhibition in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research 14(2):389-399. doi: 10.1002/aur.2415 ISI=5.88
Constantino JN, Sahin M, Piven J, Rodgers R, Tschida J. and the Directors/Co-Directors of the US Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Centers. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Clinical and scientific priorities. Am J Psychiatry. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2020.20060780. #Listed as member of Directors/Co-Directors of the US Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Centers ISI=14.54
McKinney WS, Bartolotti J, Khemani P, Wang JY, Hagerman RJ, Mosconi MW (2020). Cerebellar-cortical function and connectivity during sensorimotor behavior in aging FMR1 gene premutation carriers. NeuroImage: Clinical 27:102332. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102332. ISI=4.83
Bartolotti J, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW (2020). Functional brain abnormalities associated with comorbid anxiety in autism spectrum disorder. Development and Psychopathology 32(4):1273-1286. doi: 10.1017/S0954579420000772. ISI=3.39 (3 year)
Talebizadeh Z, Shah A, and “AutGO Working Group”. (2020). The AutGO Initiative: A Conceptual Framework for Developing Genetics-Outcomes Research Hypotheses. Autism Research. ISI=4.48
Satterstrom FK, Kosmicki JA, Wang J….Mosconi MW…Walters RK. (2020). Large scale exome sequencing study implicate both developmental and functional changes in the neurobiology of autism. Cell doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.12.036. ISI=36.43
Bojanek EK, Mosconi MW, Guter S, Betancur C, Macmillan C, Cook EH. (2020). Clinical and neurocognitive issues associated with Bosch-Boonstra-Schaaf optic atrophy syndrome: A case study. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A 182(1):213-218. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.61409. ISI=2.33
Bojanek EK, Wang Z, White SP, Mosconi MW (2019). Postural control processes during standing and step initiation in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 2(1):1. doi: 10.1186/s11689-019-9305-x. ISI=4.00
Schmitt LM, Bojanek EK, White SP, Ragozzino ME, Cook EH, Mosconi MW (2019). Familiality of behavioral flexibility and response inhibition deficits in autismspectrum disorder (ASD). Molecular Autism 10:47. doi: 10.1186/s13229-019-0296-y.ISI=6.28
De Stefano LA, Schmitt LM, White SP, Mosconi MW, Sweeney JA, Ethridge LE. (2019). Developmental effects on auditory neural oscillatory synchronization abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 13(34). doi: 10.3389/fnint.2019.00034. ISI=2.81 (2018 only, 5 year score not yet available)
McKinney WS, Wang Z, Kelly S, Khemani P, Lui S, White SP, Mosconi MW (2019). Precision sensorimotor control in aging FMR1 gene premutation carriers. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 13(56). doi: 10.3389/fnint.2019.00056 ISI=2.81 (2018 only, 5 year score not yet available)
Unruh KE, Marin LE, Magnon G, Vaillancourt DE, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW (2019). Cortical and subcortical alterations associated with precision visuomotor behavior in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Neurophysiology. 122(4):1330-1341. doi: 10.1152/jn.00286.2019. ISI=2.58 (2018 only)
Neely KA, Mohanty S, Schmitt LM, Wang Z, Sweeney JA., Mosconi MW (2019). Motor memory deficits contribute to motor impairments in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49: 2675-2684. doi:10.1007/s10803-016-2806-5 ISI=4.36
Park HS, Wang Z, McKinney WS, Khemani P, Lui S, Christou E, Mosconi MW (2019). Functional motor control deficits in older FMR1 premutation carriers. Experimental Brain Research. 10.1007/s00221-019-05566-3. ISI=2.10
Wang Z, Wang Y, Sweeney JA, Gong Q, Lui S, Mosconi MW (2019). Restingstate brain network dysfunctions associated with visuomotor impairment in autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2019.00017 ISI=3.23 (this is cite score; first impact factor coming in 2019)
Aaron E, Montgomery A, Ren X, Guter SJ, Anderson GM, Carneiro A, Jacob S, Mosconi MW, Pandey GN, Cook EH, Veenstra-VanderWeele J. (2019). Whole blood serotonin levels and platelet 5-HT2A binding in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. ISI=4.37
Wang Z, Khemani P, Schmitt LM, Lui S, Mosconi MW (2019). Static and dynamic postural control deficits in aging Fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene premutation carriers. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 11(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s11689-018-9261-x ISI=4.13
Sahin M, Jones SR, Sweeney JA, Berry-Kravis E, Connors BW, Ewen JB, Hartman AL, Levin AR, Potter WZ, Mamounas LA, and the Biomarker Workshop Faculty1. (2019). Discovering translational biomarkers in neurodevelopmental disorders. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. 1Invited member of Workshop Faculty ISI=50.17
Ethridge L, Berry-Kravis E, Thaliath A, Isenstein, E, Durkin A, Nelson C, Baczewsi L, Powell C, White S, Mosconi MW, . . . Sweeney, J. (2018). 21. Auditory EEG Phenotypes in Single Gene Disorders: Insight into Heterogeneity in Idiopathic Autism. Biological Psychiatry. 83(9, Supplement), S8-S9. ISI=10.58
Montgomery AK, Shuffrey LC, Guter SJ, Anderson GA, Jacob S, Mosconi MW, Sweeney JA, Turner JB, Sutcliffe JS, Cook EH, Veenstra-VanderWeele. (in press). Maternal serotonin levels are associated with cognitive ability and core symptoms in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. ISI=7.86
Schmitt LM, White SP, Cook EH, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW. Cognitive mechanisms of inhibitory control deficits in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). (2017). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 59(5):586-595. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.12837 ISI=6.68
Ethridge LE, White SP, Mosconi MW, Wang J, Pedapati EV, Erickson CA, Byerly MJ, Sweeney JA. (2017). Neural synchronization deficits linked to cortical hyper-excitability and auditory hypersensitivity in Fragile X Syndrome. Molecular Autism. 8(22): doi: 10.1186/s13229-017-0140-1 ISI=6.08
Shou G, Mosconi MW, Wang J, Ethridge L, Sweeney JA, Ding L. (2017). Electrophysiological signatures of atypical intrinsic brain connectivity networks in autism. Journal of Neural Engineering. 14(4):046010. doi: 10.1088/1741-2552/aa6b6b ISI=3.49
Wang J, Ethridge LE, Mosconi MW, White SP, Binder DK, Pedapati EV, Erickson CA, Byerly MJ, Sweeney JA. (2017). A resting EEG study of neocortical hyperexcitability and altered functional connectivity in fragile X syndrome. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 9:11. doi: 10.1186/s11689-017-9191-z ISI=3.85
Wang Z, Kwon MH, Mohanty S, Schmitt LM, White SP, Christou EA, Mosconi MW. (2017). Increased force variability is associated with altered modulation of motoneuron pool activity in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 18:698. doi:10.3390/ijms18040698 ISI=3.26
Schmitt LM, Ankeny LD, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW. (2017). Inhibitory control processes and the strategies that support them during hand and eye movements. Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition. ISI=2.46 (2016; 5 year ISI is not yet available)
Wang Z, Hallac R, Conroy KC, White SP, Kane AA, Collinsworth AL, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW. (2017). Postural orientation and equilibrium processes associated with increased postural sway in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 8:43. ISI=3.85
Selected Presentations —
Fielding-Gebhardt H, Kelly SE, Unruh KE, Schmitt LM, White S, Khemani P, Mosconi, MW*. Oculomotor Response Inhibition in Female FMR1 Premutation Carriers. 18th NFXF International Fragile X Conference. (July, 2022). San Diego, CA.
Unruh KE, McKinney WS, Bartolotti J, Mosconi MW*. Reduced connectivity of cortical-cerebellar networks is implicated in precision motor deficits in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting. (May, 2022). Austin, TX. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Wang Z, Coombes SA, Vaillancourt DE, Shirley DJ, Valcante G, Orlando AM, Romero RA, Karmakar B, Wagle Shukla A, Mosconi MW. Atypical cortical and subcortical brain activation associated with precision visuomotor control in autistic adults. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting. (May, 2022). Austin, TX.
Shafer RL, Wang Z, Karamakar B, Mosconi MW*. Visual and Proprioceptive Feedback Mechanisms of Find and Gross Motor Control in ASD. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting. (May, 2022). Austin, TX. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Shafer RL, Wang Z, Karamakar B, Mosconi MW*. Visual and Proprioceptive Feedback Mechanisms of Find and Gross Motor Control in ASD. Autism Across the Life Span Conference. (April, 2022). University of Kansas. Overland Park, KS.* Primary mentor for first author on this study
Huscher M, Unruh K, Bartolotti J, Mosconi MW*. Amygdala-Cortical Connectivity in Males and Females with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Associations with Core and Comorbid Clinical Features. Autism Across the Life Span Conference. (April, 2022). University of Kansas. Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Hamidpour R, Kelly SE, Unruh KE, Mosconi MW*. Inhibitory Control Development in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Across the Lifespan (K-CART) Conference. (April, 2022). Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
McKinney WS, Kelly SE, Styner M, Campbell MH, Mosconi MW*. Cerebellar Anatomy and Sensorimotor Impairment in Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2022). Austin, TX. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
McKinney WS, Kelly SE, Campbell MH, Unruh KE, Shafer RL, Sweeney JA, Styner M, Mosconi MW*. Cerebellar Volumes and Sensorimotor Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Across the Lifespan Conference (April, 2022). Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Kelly SE, Trost MB, Schmitt LM, Bojanek EK, Unruh KE, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Familiality of Procedural Learning Abnormalities in Autism SpectrumDisorder. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting. (May,2022). Austin, TX. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Trost MB, Kelly SE, Schmitt LM, Bojanek EK, Unruh KE, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Familiality of procedural learning abnormalities in individuals with AutismSpectrum Disorder. The Thompson Center Autism Conference (October, 2021). St.Louis, MO. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Trost MB, Kelly SE, Schmitt LM, Bojanek EK, Unruh KE, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Procedural learning abnormalities in individuals with ASD and their biologicalparents. The Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (November, 2021). VirtualMeeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Wang Z, Coombes SA, Vaillancourt,DE, Shirley DJ, Valcante G, Orlando A-M, Romero RA, Karmakar B, Wagle Shukla AA, Mosconi MW. Atypical cortical and subcortical brain activation associated with precision visuomotor control in autistic adults. Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual conference (November 2021). Chicago, IL.
Shirley DJ, Shafer RL, McKinney WS, Karmakar, B., Mosconi, M.W., Wang, Z.Effects of visual and proprioceptive inputs on postural stability in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual conference (November 2021). Chicago, IL.
Mosconi MW, Unruh KE, McKinney WS, Lepping RJ, Bojanek EK, Kelly SE, Martin L, Sweeney JA. Age-associations, neural correlates, and familiality of atypical sensorimotor behaviors in ASD. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2021). Virtual Meeting.
Bojanek EK, Kelly SE, Schmitt LM, White SP, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Manual motor behavior in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their parents. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2021). Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Shafer RL, Wang Z, Bartolotti J, Mosconi MW*. Sensory mechanisms of atypical motor variability and regularity in Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2021). Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Hawks Z, Todorov A, Nishino T, Talovic M, Marrus N, Nebel MB, Davis S, Marek S, Seitzman B, Eggebrecht A, Elison JT, Dager SR, Mosconi MW, Tychsen L, Snyder A, Botteron K, Estes AM, Evans AC, Gerig G, Hazlett H, McKinstry RC, Pandey J, Schultz RT, Styner M, Wolff JJ, Zwaigenbaum L, Piven J, Pruett JR. Testing candidate cerebellar presymptomatic biomarkers for Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2021). Virtual Meeting.
Kelly SE, Bartolotti J, Unruh KE, Mosconi MW*. Resting frontostriatal and frontoparietal functional connectivity and inhibitory control ability in Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2021). Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
McKinney WS, Unruh KE, Campbell MH, Mosconi MW*. Sensorimotor and cortical-cerebellar lateralization in Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2021). Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Bartolotti J, Mosconi MW*. Functional connectivity differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder associated with SSRI medication. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2021). Virtual Meeting.* Primary mentor for first author on this study
Unruh KE, Bartolotti J, McKinney WS, Trost MB, Mosconi MW*. Functional brain mechanisms of rapid motor control in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2021). Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Cosgrove K, Mosconi MW, Breslin F, Paulus M, Namik K, Morris A, Aupperle R. Cortical Metrics in Pre-Adolescence: A Latent Variable Analysis of sMRI Data in the ABCD Study. Biennial Society for Research on Child Development Conference (April, 2021). Virtual Meeting.
Shafer, RL, Wang, Z, Bartolotti, J, Mosconi, MW*. Sensory mechanisms of atypical motor variability and regularity in autism spectrum disorder. Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training: Autism Across the Lifespan Conference, April 2021. Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Bojanek, E. K., Kelly, S. E., Schmitt, L. M., White, S. P., Sweeney, J., Mosconi, M. W*. Familiality of fine motor control deficits in ASD. Poster presented at the Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART) Autism Across the Lifespan Conference, April 2021. Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Kelly, S. E., Bartolotti, J., Unruh, K. E., Mosconi, M. W*. Functional Brain Connectivity and Inhibitory Control in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training Autism Across the Lifespan Conference. 2021, April. Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Trost MB, Kelly SE, Schmitt LM, Bojanek EK, Unruh KE, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Familiality of Procedural Learning in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART) Autism Across the Lifespan Conference (April, 2021). Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
McKinney, WS, Unruh, KE, Campbell, MH, Mosconi, MW*. Functional specialization of sensorimotor brain networks in autism spectrum disorder. Poster session presented at: Autism Across the Lifespan Conference; 2021 Apr 23. Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Unruh KE, McKinney WS, Trost MB, Fleming KK, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Deficits in feedback and feedforward processes are distinct and vary across age in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Poster presentation at the 54th Annual Gatlinburg Conference; 2021 Apr 5-8; Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Kelly SE, Bojanek EK, Schmitt LM, White SP, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Familiality of Oculomotor Control Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Gatlinburg Conference, (2021, April). Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
McKinney, WS, Unruh, KE, Mosconi, MW*. Sensorimotor and cortical-cerebellar lateralization in autism spectrum disorder. Poster session presented at: 54th Annual Gatlinburg Conference; 2021 Apr 5-8. Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Bojanek, E. K., Kelly, S. E., Schmitt, L. M., White, S. P., Sweeney, J. A., Mosconi, M. W.* Manual Motor Control in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Unaffected Biological Parents. Poster session presented at Gatlinburg Conference, April 2021. Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Shafer RL, Wang Z, Bartolotti J, Mosconi MW*. Sensory mechanisms of motor variability and regularity in autism spectrum disorder. Association for Clinical and Translational Sciences Annual Meeting, March/April 2021. Virtual Meeting (poster accepted). * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Shafer RL, Wang Z, Bartolotti J, Mosconi MW*. Sensory mechanisms of motor variability and regularity in autism spectrum disorder. NICHD Gatlinburg Conference for Research in Intellectual and Developmental Disorders. April 2021. Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Shafer RL, Wang Z, Mosconi MW*. Sensory Mechanisms of Motor Variability and Regularity in Autism Spectrum Disorder. NIH Intellectual and Developmental Disorders Research Center Annual Meeting. Nov. 2020. Virtual Meeting. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Shafer RL, Wang Z, Mosconi MW*. Sensory Mechanisms of Motor Variability and Regularity in Autism Spectrum Disorder. The Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP). Virtual Meeting. Dec. 2020. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Mosconi MW, McKinney WS, Martin LE, Bartolotti J, Unruh KE. Lateralization of Sensorimotor Behavior and Cortical Function in Autism Spectrum Disorder. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP), (December, 2020). Virtual Meeting.
Hawks Z, Todorov A, Nishino T, Talovic M, Marrus N, Nebel M, Davis S, Marek S, Seitzman B, Eggebrecht A, Elison J, Dager S, Mosconi, MW, Snyder A, Botteron K, Estes A, Evans A, Gerig G, Hazlett H, McKinstry R, Pandey, J, Schultz R, Styner M, Wolff J, Zwaigenbaum L, Piven J.* & Pruett, Jr, J.* for The IBIS Network. Testing candidate cerebellar presymptomatic biomarkers for autism spectrum disorder. The Society for Neuroscience International Meeting (November, 2020). Virtual Meeting.
Cosgrove KT, Mosconi MW, Breslin FJ, Paulus MP, Morris AS, & Aupperle RL. (2020, September 9-12). Subjective neurodevelopmental risk is more robustly associated with cortical structure than objective measures of executive function in the ABCD Study sample [Poster presentation]. Flux Virtual Congress.
Bartolotti J, Huscher M, Mosconi MW*. Functional brain abnormalities associated with comorbid anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2020). Seattle, WA. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Bojanek EK, Schmitt LM, White SP, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Manual motor deficits in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their unaffected biological parents. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2020). Seattle, WA. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Campbell MH, Unruh KE, Bojanek EK, Mosconi MW*. Reduced lateralization of precision motor behavior in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2020). Seattle, WA. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Kelly SE, Bojanek EK, Schmitt LM, White SP, Sweeney JA, Mosconi, MW*. Saccadic eye movement abnormalities in ASD and first-degree family members. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2020). Seattle, WA. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
McKinney WS, Unruh KE, Mosconi MW*. Lateralization of precision motor behavior and physiology in ASD. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2020). Seattle, WA. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Unruh, KE Bridwell S, Schmitt LM, Vaillancourt DE, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW. Deficits in feedback and feedforward processes are distinct in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Annual Meeting (May, 2020). Seattle, WA.
Bojanek EK, Kelly SE, Schmitt LM, White SP, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Manual motor deficits in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their unaffected biological parents. Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART) Autism Across the Lifespan Conference (April, 2020). Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Campbell MH, Unruh KE, Bojanek EK, Mosconi MW*. Reduced lateralization of precision motor behavior in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART) Autism Across the Lifespan Conference (April, 2020). Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Huscher M, Bartolotti J, Mosconi MW*. Neural correlates of anxiety in autism spectrum disorder. Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART) Autism Across the Lifespan Conference (April, 2020). Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Kelly SE, Bojanek EK, Schmitt LM, White, SP, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Saccadic Eye Movement Abnormalities in ASD and First-Degree Family Members. Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART) Autism Across the Lifespan Conference (April, 2020). Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
McKinney WS, Bartolotti J, Unruh KE, Mosconi MW*. Lateralization of taskdependent corticocerebellar connectivity during sensorimotor action in ASD. Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART) Autism Across the LifespanConference (April, 2020). Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Shafer RL, Wang Z, Mosconi MW*. Individuals with ASD do not modulate multimodal sensory feedback during precision motor control. Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART) Autism Across the Lifespan Conference (April, 2020). Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Unruh, KE, Schmitt, LM, Vaillancourt, DE, Sweeney, JA, Mosconi, MW*. Distinct deficits in feedback and feedforward processes in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART) Autism Across the Lifespan Conference (April, 2020). Overland Park, KS.
Huscher M, Bartolotti J, Mosconi MW*. Neural Correlates of Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol (March, 2020). Topeka, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Cosgrove KT, Mosconi MW, Breslin FJ, Paulus MP, Morris AS, Aupperle RL. Neurodevelopmental risk and structural MRI metrics in the ABCD study. Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting (March, 2020). San Diego, CA.
McKinney WS, Bartolotti J, Khemani P, Mosconi MW*. Neurophysiological processes of sensorimotor control in aging FMR1 gene premutation carriers. Midwest Fragile X Research Exchange (February, 2020). Madison, WI. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Shafer RL, Wang Z, Mosconi MW*. The contribution of multisensory processing to deficits in motor variability and regularity in autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers Research Day (February, 2020). Overland Park, Kansas. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Shafer RL, Wang Z, Mosconi MW*. Influence of Vision and Proprioception on Motor Control in ASD. Life Span Institute Collaboratory (January, 2020). Lawrence, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Mosconi MW, Schmitt LM, Bojanek EK, Kelly SE, White SP, Sweeney JA. Familiality of sensorimotor alterations in autism spectrum disorder. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP), (December, 2019). Orlando, FL.
Wang Z, Chen J, In E, McKinney W, Li Z, Mosconi MW*. Differential utilization of visual and proprioceptive information for postural control stability in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The Society for Neuroscience International Meeting (October, 2019). Chicago IL. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Kelly SE, Schmitt LM, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW.* Neurocognitive processes associated with reduced inhibitory control of prepotent eye movements in autism spectrum disorder. The Society for Neuroscience International Meeting (October, 2019). Chicago IL. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Bridwell S, Gabrielli G, Bartolotti J, Mosconi MW.* Sensorimotor issues and core clinical symptoms in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The Society for Neuroscience International Meeting (October, 2019). Chicago, IL. * Primary mentor for all three co-authors on this study
Bojanek E, Schmitt LM, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW.* Sensorimotor deficits in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their unaffected biological parents. International Society for Autism Research (May, 2019). Montreal, CANADA. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Kelly SE, Schmitt LM, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW.* Inhibitory control of prepotent eye movements in autism spectrum disorder. International Society for Autism Research (May, 2019). Montreal, CANADA. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Unruh K, Martin L, Magnon G, Vaillancourt DE, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Functional brain mechanisms of sensorimotor control in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. International Society for Autism Research (May, 2019). Montreal,
CANADA. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Bartolotti J, Cook EH, Mosconi MW*. The impacts of SSRI medication and comorbid anxiety on brain function in ASD. International Society for Autism Research (May, 2019). Montreal, CANADA. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
McKinney WS, Unruh K, Wang Z, Mosconi MW*. Precision sensorimotor control and neurophysiology in aging FMR1 premutation carriers. International Society for Autism Research (May, 2019). Montreal, CANADA. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Park SH, Wang Z, McKinney W, Christou EA, Mosconi MW. Functional motor control deficits in Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 gene premutation carriers. Annual meeting for the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), (May, 2019). Orlando, FL.
Wang Z, Khemani, P, Schmitt, LM, Lui S. Mosconi, MW*. Static and dynamic postural control deficits in aging fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene premutation carriers. In Shaffer, R. (Chair), Hessl, D. (Discussant), Novel Approach for the Development of Translational Biomarkers and Treatment Outcomes in Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Case Examples in Fragile X Syndrome and Related Disorders. Symposium conducted at the 52nd Annual Gatlinburg Conference, (April, 2019). San Antonio, Texas.
McKinney WS, Wang Z, Park SH, Christoue EA, Mosconi MW*. Precision sensorimotor control in aging FMR1 premutation carriers. Midwest Fragile X Syndrome Research Exchange, (February, 2019). Madison, WI. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Shou G, Mosconi MW, Ethridge LE, Sweeney JA, Ding L. (2018). Resting-state Gamma-band EEG abnormalities in autism. Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 1915-1918. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2018.8512718.
Maye CE, Swindler S, McKinney W, Mosconi MW*. Sleep issues and psychological mechanisms in individuals with ASD and ADHD. Annual meeting for the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, (November, 2018). Washington, DC. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Maye CE, Kelly SE, Schmitt LM, Sweeney, JA, Mosconi MW*. Interactions of inhibitory control and attentional system alterations in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, (October, 2018). Kansas City, MO. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Bojanek E, Wang Z, Mosconi MW*. Postural control during static and dynamic activities in autism spectrum disorder. National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, (October, 2018). Kansas City, MO. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Kelly SE, Schmitt LM, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Inhibitory control of prepotent eye movements in autism spectrum disorder. National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, (October, 2018). Kansas City, MO. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
McKinney WS, Unruh K, Wang Z, Schmitt LM, Bushong M, Mosconi MW*. Neurophysiological processes of precision motor control in aging Fragile X premutation carriers. National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, (October, 2018). Kansas City, MO. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Unruh K, Schmitt LM, Wang Z, Mosconi MW*. Functional brain mechanisms of reduced precision motor control in autism. Neuroscience 2018, The Society of Neuroscience International Meeting, (2018, November). San Diego, CA. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Shou G, Mosconi MW, Ethridge LE, Sweeney JA. Detection of functional connectivity dynamics in intrinsic connectivity networks from resting-state EEG. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, (2018, July). Honolulu, HI.
Unruh K, Schmitt LM, Wang Z, Mosconi MW*. Cortical-cerebellar system dysfunctions and their relationship to force variability in autism. FLUX Satellite Conference (2018, May). Chapel Hill, NC. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Maye CE, Kelly S, Schmitt LM, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Interactions of inhibitory control and attentional system alterations in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART) Across the Life Span Conference, (2018, April). Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Kelly SE, Schmitt LM, Sweeney JA, Mosconi MW*. Inhibitory control of prepotent eye movements in autism spectrum disorder. Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (K-CART) Across the Life Span Conference, (2018, April). Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
McKinney WS, Unruh KE, Wang Z, Schmitt LM, Bushong M, Mosconi MW*. Neurophysiological processes of precision motor control in aging Fragile X premutation carriers. K-CART Autism Across the Life Span Conference. (2018, April) Overland Park, KS.* Primary mentor for first author on this study
Bojanek EK, Zheng W, Mosconi MW*. Postural control processes during static anddynamic activities in autism spectrum disorder. K-CART Autism Across the Life Span Conference. (2018, April). Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Wang Z, Wang Y, Sweeney JA, Lui S, Mosconi MW*. Resting-state network dysfunctions associated with visuomotor behavior in autism spectrum disorder (ASD): a pilot study. K-CART Autism Across the Life Span Conference (2018, April). Overland Park, KS. * Primary mentor for first author on this study
Ethridge L, Berry-Kravis E, Thaliath A, Isenstein E, Durkin A, Nelson C, Baczewsi L, Powell C, White S, Mosconi MW, Pedapati E, Erickson C, Sweeney JA. Auditory EEG Phenotypes in single-gene disorders: Insight into Heterogeneity in Idiopathic Autism. Society of Biological Psychiatry, (2018, May). New York, NY.
Bojanek, E. Schmitt, L. M., White, S. P., Sweeney, J. A. & Mosconi, M. W. (05/31/2017). Behavioral response inhibition deficits in children with autism spectrum disorder and their parents. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). San Francisco, CA.
DeStefano, L. Wang, J. White, S. P., Mosconi, M. W., Sweeney, J. A. & Ethridge, L. E. (11/30/2016). Auditory neural oscillatory synchronization abnormalities across the gamma frequency range in autism spectrum disorder. Society for Psychophysiological Research. Minneapolis, MN
Ethridge, L. E., White, S. P., Mosconi, M. W., Wang, J. Erickson, C. A., Byerly, M. J. & Sweeney, J. A. (11/30/2016). Neural synchronization deficits linked to cortical hyper-excitability and auditory sensitivity in Fragile X Syndrome. Society for Psychophysiological Research. Minneapolis, MN
Mosconi, M. W. (11/30/2016). Understanding autism: stories of politics, fads and the brain. University of Kansas Nu Rho Psi HonorΓÇÖs Society. Lawrence, Kansas
Mosconi, M. W. (10/31/2016). Motor and sensory disturbances and their brain bases in autism spectrum disorder. University of Kansas Child Language Program Professional Seminar Series. Lawrence, Kansas
Mosconi, M. W., Schmitt, L. M., White, S. P. & Sweeney, J. A. (09/30/2016). Brain system abnormalities associated with reduced control of sustained and repetitive motor behaviors. National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (NCCCAP). Lawrence, KS
Wang, Z. Hallac, R. Conroy, K. C., White, S. P., Kane, A. A., Collinsworth, A. L. & Mosconi, M. W. (09/30/2016). Postural orientation and equilibrium are manifested in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (NCCCAP). Lawrence, KS
Schmitt, L. M., White, S. P., Sweeney, J. A. & Mosconi, M. W. (09/30/2016). Sensorimotor Abnormalities in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Biological Parents. National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. Lawrence, KS
Mosconi, M. W. (07/31/2016). What we think we think about thinking in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome. First Annual Phelan-McDermid Syndrome National Meeting (McPosium). . Orlando, FL
Mosconi, M. W., Schmitt, L. M., White, S. P. & Sweeney, J. A. (05/31/2016). Brain system abnormalities associated with reduced control of sustained and repetitive motor behaviors in autism. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Baltimore, MD
Kwon, M. Mohanty, S. Conroy, K. C. & Mosconi, M. W. (05/31/2016). Increased Force Variability in Autism Reflects Reduced Modulation of Motor Neuron Pool Beta Oscillations. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Baltimore, MD
Wang, Z. Hallac, R. Conroy, K. C., White, S. P., Kane, A. A., Collinsworth, A. L. & Mosconi, M. W. (05/31/2016). Postural control mechanisms underlying reduced stability in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Baltimore, MD
Schmitt, L. M., White, S. P., Conroy, K. Sweeney, J. A. & Mosconi, M. W. (05/31/2016). Sensorimotor abnormalities in biological mothers and fathers of individuals with ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Baltimore, MD
Mosconi, M. W. (04/30/2016). Characterizing the development of fundamental sensorimotor abilities and underlying brain systems in autism spectrum disorder. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds - Vanderbilt University. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds - Vanderbilt University
Mosconi, M. W., Schmitt, L. M., White, S. P., Conroy, K. & Sweeney, J. A. (12/31/2015). Familiality of sensorimotor alterations in autism spectrum disorder. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP). Hollywood, FL
Mosconi, M. W. (11/30/2015). Moving towards more effective treatments for autism spectrum disorders. Annual Retreat for the University of Kansas Medical Center Department of Pediatrics. Kansas City, KS
Mosconi, M. W. (10/31/2015). Understanding the neurobiology of autism spectrum disorders through clinical research. Beyond the Diagnosis: Autism Across the Life Span. Kansas City, KS
Mosconi, M. W. (06/30/2015). Clinical and translational approaches for understanding Phelan-McDermid Syndrome. Texas-Louisiana Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Conference. Houston, TX
Mosconi, M. W., Vaillancourt, D. E. & Sweeney, J. A. (05/31/2015). Cerebellar alterations underlying visuomotor deficits in autism. Presentation, International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Salt Lake City, UT
Schmitt, L. M., White, S. P., Conroy, K. Sweeney, J. A. & Mosconi, M. W. (05/31/2015). Eye movement abnormalities in individuals with autism and their unaffected biological parents. Presentation, International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Salt Lake City, UT
Mohanty, S. Neely, K. A., Schmitt, L. M., Wang, Z. Vaillancourt, D. E., Sweeney, J. A. & Mosconi, M. W. (05/31/2015). Precision grip control with and without visual feedback in autism spectrum disorder. Presentation, International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Salt Lake City, UT
Wang, Z. Hallac, R. Conroy, K. A., Greene, R. K., White, S. P., Sweeney, J. A. & Mosconi, M. W. (05/31/2015). Sensory feedback mechanisms underlying postural control abnormalities in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Presentation, International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Salt Lake City, UT
Ethridge, L. E., White, S. P., Mosconi, M. W., Wang, J. Byerly, M. J. & Sweeney, J. A. (05/31/2015). Sensory processing abnormalities, ASD features, and modulation of auditory evoked potentials in Fragile X Syndrome. Presentation, International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Salt Lake City, UT
Mosconi, M. W. (03/31/2015). Advancing care through research: How studies of brain and motor development in autism may lead to earlier diagnosis and more effective treatments. Inaugural Keynote Lecture, Friends of the Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Dallas, TX
Mosconi, M. W. (01/31/2015). Translational approaches for identifying neural mechanisms in autism related disorders. Talk, University of Texas Southwestern Clinical Research Engagement Workgroup (CREW) Lunch Series. Dallas, TX
Mosconi, M. W., Vaillancourt, D. E. & Sweeney, J. A. (12/31/2014). Cortico-cerebellar dysfunctions associated with visuomotor abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder vary according to the quality of visual feedback. Presentation, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP). Phoenix, AZ
Mosconi, M. W., Vaillancourt, D. E., Coombes, S. A. & Sweeney, J. A. (11/30/2014). Cortical-cerebellar abnormalities underlying visuomotor control deficits in autism spectrum disorder. Presentation, Society of Neuroscience (SfN). Washington, DC
Wang, Z. Magnon, G. C., Greene, R. K., Sweeney, J. A. & Mosconi, M. W. (11/30/2014). Predictive and reactive precision grip force control in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Presentation, Society of Neuroscience (SfN). Washington, DC
Mosconi, M. W. (10/31/2014). Neuroscience and early detection of autism spectrum disorder. Talk, Psychiatry Continuing Education Program: Brain Stories, the Science Behind Prevention, Early Detection, and Effective Intervention for Mental Illness, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern. Dallas, TX
Mosconi, M. W. (09/30/2014). Cerebellar and sensorimotor development in autism. Talk, University of Minnesota Center for Cognitive Science (CCS) Colloquium Series. Minneapolis, MN
Mosconi, M. W. (09/30/2014). Profiles of sensorimotor impairments in autism spectrum disorder. Talk, University of Minnesota Center for Neurobehavioral Development (CNBD) Colloquium Series. Minneapolis, MN
Mosconi, M. W. (07/31/2014). Sensorimotor and cerebellar abnormalities in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome. Talk, The 14th Annual Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation Conference. Orlando, FL
Ouyang, M. Cheng, H. Gong, G. Mosconi, M. W., Sweeney, J. A., Peng, Y. & Huang, H. . (05/31/2014). Abnormal WM microstructural trajectories of autistic children from 2 to 7 years of age. Presentation, The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Milan, Italy
Schmitt, L. M., Mosconi, M. W., Ragozzino, M. E., Cook, E. H. & Sweeney, J. A. (05/31/2014). Neurocognitive strategies supporting behavioral response inhibition in autism spectrum disorder. Presentation, International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Atlanta, GA
Mosconi, M. W. (01/31/2014). Examining the effects of premutations and full mutations of the FMR1 gene on behavior and brain function. Talk, The Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities (CADD) Annual Fragile X Day, UT Southwestern and ChildrenΓÇÖs Medical Center. Dallas, TX
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
University of Kansas Center for Research (KUCR) Research Rising Initiative
Colombo (Director) 08/17/22-05/31/27
Advancing intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) research at KU
This competitive, five-year award aims to establish a Center of Multidisciplinary IDD Research and Training Excellence at KU. The Center will increase capacity and opportunity for interdisciplinary research; build new strengths in omics (e.g., epigenomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics) and biomedical informatics that will allow us to advance new knowledge of the complex causes of IDDs; re-assert KU as a scientific leader capable of competing for major research awards focused on IDD; and increase novel approaches for providing more personalized and effective intervention and support strategies.
Role: Co-Director
TDC: $2,869,755
University of Kansas Center for Research (KUCR) Research Rising Initiative
Unckless (Director) 08/17/22-05/31/27
Growing KU’s Interdisciplinary Strengths in Genomics
This project aims to unlock the secrets held in genomes to understand where we come from, how we fight disease, how organisms respond to a changing environment/climate, and new bioengineering approaches for sustainable development and health advances. The principal investigators are Rob Unckless, associate professor of molecular biosciences and director of KU’s Center for Genomics, and Lena Hileman, professor of ecology & evolutionary biology. They are joined by faculty colleagues in molecular biosciences, anthropology, ecology & evolutionary biology, and engineering.
Role: Faculty investigator
TDC: $2,900,000
NIH/NCATS CTSA Inter‐Institutional Pilot Project Award
Evaluating sleep disturbances in adolescents and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities Veatch (PI) 07/01/22-06/20/23
This competitive, multi-site study will support an innovative, multidisciplinary team of experts in sleep biology, sleep medicine, analysis of sleep oscillations/waveforms, IDDs, biomedical informatics, human genetics, and human cognition and development in a concerted effort to characterize sleep microstructure in adolescents and young adults with IDDs living in rural areas. The ultimate goals are to identify efficient approaches for collecting and analyzing objective sleep data in individuals with disabilities living in rural areas who are historically under represented in research and clinically underserved.
Role: Site PI
TDC: $75,000
NIH/NIGMS P20 103418-21 Unruh (PI) 05/01/21-04/31/23
Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (K-INBRE) Developmental Research Project Program
Cortical-striatal correlates of restricted and repetitive behaviors in autism spectrum Disorder. This two-year training award will support Dr. Unruh’s early career training in reward and executive brain circuitry and their development in ASD.
Role: Mentor
TDC: $150,000
NIH/NINDS R01 NS121120 Wang (PI) 06/01/2021-05/30/2026
Cerebellar and Basal Ganglia Markers Underlie Neuromotor Impairments in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
This project evaluates functional and anatomical cerebellar and basal-ganglia changes in aging individuals with ASD. It also examines neuromotor impairments associated with neurodegeneration in ASD. These studies will provide foundational knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms of aging in ASD.
Role: Consultant
TDC: $1,225,000
NIH/NIMH R01 112734 Mosconi (PI) 07/01/17-05/31/23
Motor abnormalities and functional brain mechanisms in autism spectrum disorder
This five-year R01 study will identify the distinct neural processes underlying rapid, repetitive sensorimotor abnormalities and deficits in controlling continuous motor output. Novel functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and motor physiology tests will be conducted to examine cerebellar-cortical and striatal-cortical brain function and their relation to sensorimotor abnormalities in ASD from late childhood to adulthood.
Role: PI
TDC: $1,824,781
NIH F31 MH126572 McKinney (PI) 08/01/21-06/30/23
Sensorimotor and brain lateralization in ASD
The purpose of this F31 is to lateralization of precision manual control and underlying neural systems in ASD.
Role: Mentor