Kat Wright

- BA (2023) Psychology, University of Kentucky
- BA (2023) Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies, University of Kentucky
Contact Info
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
At the University of Kentucky, my focus was studying the connection between hope and treatment outcomes for adults undergoing the Unified Protocol Transdiagnostic Treatment. I also have studied hopelessness of low income parents who have young disruptive children as well as the callous-unemotional traits of these children and how they influence treatment outcomes.
Within the CCPP at the University of Kansas, I look forward to examining the impact of digital stress on adolescents.
Selected Publications —
Parent, J., Jones, D.J., DiMarzio, K., Yang, Y., Wright, K., Sullivan, A.D.W., & Forehand, R. (2023). The effects of young children’s callous-unemotional traits on behaviorally observed outcomes in a standardized and an enhanced behavioral parent training intervention. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 51, 165-175.
Sullivan, A.D.W., Wright, K.L., Jones, D., Breslend, N., Highlander, A., & Forehand, R. (2021). Who looks on the bright side? Expectations of low-income parents with a disruptive young child. Journal of Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment, 43, 766–777.
Wright, K.L., Sullivan, A.D.W., & Forehand, R. (2022). In the eye of the beholder: The experiences of being mentored during the isolation of the pandemic. The Specialist, 50, 31-34. (ABPP publication).
Selected Presentations —
Wright, K.L., Sullivan, A., Breslend, N., Jones, D., & Highlander, A. (2021). Correlates of hopelessness about the future among low-income parents with a disruptive child. Poster presented at the National Council for Undergraduate Research (online).
Wright, K.L., Sullivan, A., Breslend, N., Highlander, A., Forehand, R., & Jones, D. (2021). Who looks on the bright side? Optimism of low-income parents with a clinic-referred young child. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (online).
Wright, K.L., Southward, M.W., & Sauer-Zavala, S. (2022). The impact of hope and treatment expectations on changes in anxiety and depression in the unified protocol. Poster presented at the Kentucky Psychological Association, Louisville, KY.
DiMarzio, K., Yang, Y., Wright, K., Sullivan, A., Parent, J., Forehand, R., & Jones, D. (2022, November). Callous-unemotional traits of children: Predictor of outcomes and moderation by technology-enhanced behavioral parent training. Poster session to be presented at the 56th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
Wright, K., Southward, M., & Sauer-Zavala, S. (2022). The impact of hope and treatment expectancies on changes in anxiety and depression in the united protocol. Poster session to be presented at the 56th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.