Emily Hichborn

- B.S. (2019) Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH
Contact Info
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
My research interests focus on risk factors associated with interpersonal relationships in early childhood related to youth violence and juvenile delinquency. My goal as a researcher is to better understand these risk factors and their implications and inform forensic assessments and targeted clinical prevention and interventions.
Selected Publications —
Hichborn, E., Moore, S.K., Gauthier, P.R. , Bell, K., Lambert-Harris, C.A., Saunders, E.C., Agosti, N., Turner, A., Boggis, J., McLeman, B., Marsch, L.A.(2022).Technology-based interventions in substance use treatment to promote health equity among individuals who identify asAfrican American/Black, Hispanic/Latinx, and American Indian/Alaskan Native: a scoping review protocol. JMIR Research Protocols.
Stafylis, C., Vavala, G., Wang, Q., McLeman, B., Lemley, S.M., Young, S.D., Xie, H., Matthews, A.G., Oden, N., Revoredo, L., Shmueli-Blumberg, D., Hichborn, E., McKelle, E., Moran, L., Jacobs, P., Marsch, L.A., Klausner, J.D. (2022). Relative effectiveness of social media, dating apps, and informational search sites in promoting human immunodeficiency virus self-testing. JMIR Formative Research.
Marsch, L.A., Chen, C.H., Adams, S.R., Asyyed, A., Does, M., Hassanpour, S., Hichborn, E., Jackson-Morris, M., Jacobson, N.C., Jones, H.K., Kotz, D., Lambert-Harris, C., Li, Z., McLeman, B., Mishra, V., Stanger, C., Subramaniam, G., Wu, W., Campbell, C.I. (2022). The feasibility and utility of harnessing digital health to understand clinical trajectories in medication treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: D-TECT Study Design and Methodological Considerations.
Hser, Y.I., Ober, A., Dopp A., Lin, C., Osterhage, K., Clingan, S., Mooney, L., Curtis, M., Marsch, L., McLeman, B., Hichborn, E., Lester, L., Baldwin, L.M., Liu, Y., Jacobs, O., Saxon, A. (2021). Is telemedicine the answer to rural expansion of medication treatment for opioid use disorder? Early experiences in the feasibility study phase of a National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network Trial. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice Journal. doi: 10.1186/s13722-021-00233-x.
Lemley, S.M., Klausner, J.D., Young, S.D., Stafylis, C., Mulatya, C., Oden, N., Xie, H., Revoredo, L., Shmueli-Blumberg, D., Hichborn, E., McKelle, E., Moran, L., Jacobs, P., & Marsch, L.A. (2020). Comparing Web-Based Platforms for Promoting HIV Self-Testing and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Uptake in High-Risk Men Who Have Sex With Men: Protocol for a Longitudinal Cohort Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(10), e20417. doi: 10.2196/20417.
Moore, S.K., Saunders, E.C., Hichborn, E., McLeman, B., Meier, A., Nesin, N., Gardner, T., Farkas. S., Hamilton, L., Marsch, L.A., McNeely, J. (2020). Early implementation of screening for substance use in rural primary care: a rapid analytic study. Substance Abuse Journal. doi: 10.1080/08897077.2020.1827125.
Selected Presentations —
Clingan, S., Hanano, M., Calhoun, S., Ober, A., Dopp, A.R., Curtis, M.E., Black, M., Lin, C., Salgado, M., Osterhage, K.P., Baldwin, L.M., Saxon, A.J., Hichborn, E., Lester, L.S., Marsch, L.A., Mooney, L., Hser, Y.I. (2022, June). The influence of COVID-19 on treatment for opioid use disorder services in rural primary care settings: patients’ perspectives. The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 84th Annual Scientific Meeting.
Hichborn, E., Moore, S.K., Gauthier, P.R., Bell, K., Lambert-Harris, C.A., Saunders, E.C., Agosti, N, Turner, A., Boggis, J., McLeman, B., Marsch, L.A. (2021, October). Technology-based interventions in substance use treatment to promote health equity among African Americans/Blacks, Hispanics/Latinx, and American Indians/Alaskan Natives: a scoping review of peer reviewed literature. Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) Virtual Conference.
Hichborn, E., Murray, O., Moore, S.K., McLeman, B., Folland, A., Mitchell, M., Parker, J., Marsch, L.A. (2021, October). The Vermont Hub and Spoke System: Patient Perspective of Vermont Opioid Use Disorder Treatment. Vermont MAT Conference: Equity and Engagement of Patients in the Hub and Spoke.
Moore, S.K., Montgomery, L., Burlew, K., Matsuzaka, S., Campbell, A., Hichborn, E., Bell, K., Saunders, E.C., Lambert-Harris, C.A., Gauthier, P.R., Agosti, N., Turner, A., Boggis, J. (2021, June). Improving Equity in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: How Can Digital Technologies Reduce Health Disparities Across Members of Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups? Workshop Presentation. The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting.
Calhoun, S., Ober, A., Dopp, A.R., Clingan, S., Lin, C., Black, M., Curtis, M.E., Larkins, S., Mata Cervantes, T., Salgado, M., Hanano, M., Baldwin, L.M., Osterhage, K.P., Hichborn, E., Lester, L.S., McLeman, B., Marsch, L.A., Mooney, L., Hser, Y.I. (2021, June). The early impact of COVID-19 on medication treatment for opioid use disorder service delivery in rural primary care settings. Poster presentation. Virtual Poster Q&A Session III: Opiates/ID Opioids. The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting.
Ober, A., Dopp, A.R., Clingan, S.E., Curtis, M.E., Lin, C., Calhoun, S., Larkins, S., Black, M., Mata Cervantes, T., Salgado, M., Hanano, M., Osterhage, K.P., Baldwin, L.M., Saxon, A.J., Hichborn, E., Lester, L.S., McLeman, B., Marsch, L.A., Mooney, L., Hser, Y.I. (2021, June). Use of telemedicine to expand medication treatment for opioid use disorder in rural primary care clinics: Leadership, provider and staff perspectives. Poster presentation. Virtual Poster Q&A Session II: Opiates/Opioids. The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting.
Hichborn, E., Haskell, H., Moore, C., Donnelly, C., Craig, J.T. (2020, November). Helping Older Youth with Aggression and Defiant Behaviors: A Qualitative Analysis of Task-Based Grounding. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Virtual Conference.
Haskell, H., Hichborn, E., Moore, C., Donnelly, C., Craig, J.T. (2020, November). A Mixed Methods Pilot Study of the Feasibility and Acceptability of a Two-Session Behavioral Parent Training for Aggressive, Defiant, and Disruptive Behavior Problems in Preadolescents. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Virtual Conference.
McLeman, B., Moore, S. K., Saunders, E.C., Hichborn, E., Marsch, L.A, McNeely, J., Nesin, N., Gardner, T., Farkas, S. (2020, June). Screening for Substance Use 2020 in Rural Primary Care – Clinical Staff Perceptions of Implementation of Electronic Health Record-Integrated Screening and Clinical Decision Support. Poster presentation at the College on Problems on Drug Dependence (CPDD) 2020 Annual Scientific Virtual Meeting.
Humphreys, B., McLaren, J., Hichborn, E., Russell, S., Curtin, C., Helm, D., Ricci, E., High, P., Bruder, M. (2019, November). Northeast Regional LEND Programs Partner to Address Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and the Opioid Crisis. Poster presented at the Leading Change Together AUCD Conference, Washington, DC.
Meier, A., Moore, S.K., Saunders, E.C., McLeman, B., Metcalf, S., Walsh, O., Ahmad, S., Bell, K., Hichborn, E., Marsch, L.A. (2019, October). Implementation of a New Hampshire Community-Initiated Response to the National Opioid Crisis: A Mixed Method Process Evaluation of the Safe Station Program. Poster presented at the Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Hichborn, E., Weng, K. (2019, April). The Effects of Nutrition on Behavior on a Child with Autism. Poster presented at the NHPA Academic Convention, Manchester, NH.