Christopher C. Cushing, Ph.D.

- Director of Clinical Training
- Associate Professor
- Associate Scientist
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Dole Human Development Center, 2011
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66045
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Biography —
Dr. Cushing is accepting applications for Fall 2025 admissions.
I am a native Kansan. I choose to live here because the values I have for service to others, kindness, hard work, and generosity are shared by the people who also choose to make their lives here. I am deeply motivated to use the CCPP as a launching pad for high impact careers in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. I encourage potential applicants to look at the careers of Carolina Bejarano, Adrian Ortega, Alexandra Monzon, and Tiffany Kichline as a measure of success for my mentoring approach. I am enormously proud (and in some ways envious) of the careers of these folks and I think their achievements truly indicate what is possible for students who choose to train with me at Kansas.
Education —
Behavioral Medicine, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, 2012, Cincinnati, OH
Research —
My goals are to leverage digital technology to 1) identify when youth are vulnerable to poor health decision-making and 2) support youth to make positive changes in their health behavior. My long-term vision is that every patient will receive the right treatment, at the right time, and in the right context. Variables of interest include physical activity, sedentary patterns, dietary behavior and hedonic appetite, chronic abdominal pain, and adherence to medical regimen.
Research interests:
- Health Behavior
- eHealth/mHealth
- Pediatric Psychology
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Child Development
- Behavioral Assessment
- Pediatric Psychology
- Social Development
Selected Publications —
Cushing, C. C., Monzon, A., Ortega, A., Bejarano, C. M., & Carlson, J. A. (2019). Commentary: Identifying opportunities for pediatric eHealth and mHealth studies: Physical activity as a case example [Other]. In Journal of Pediatric Psychology (Vol. 44, pp. 269–274).
Cushing, C. C., Fedele, D. A., & Riley, W. T. (2019). Introduction to the coordinated special issue on eHealth/mHealth in pediatric psychology [Other]. In Journal of Pediatric Psychology (Vol. 44, pp. 259–262).
Cushing, C. C., Fedele, D. A., Patton, S. R., McQuaid, E. L., Smyth, J. M., Prabhakaran, S., Gierer, S., Koskela-Staples, N., Ortega, A., Fleming, K. K., & Nezu, A. M. (2019). Responsive asthma care for teens (ReACT): development protocol for an adaptive mobile health intervention for adolescents with asthma [Journal Articles]. BMJ Open, 9, e030029.
Cushing, C. C., Mitchell, T. B., Bejarano, C. M., Walters, R. W., Crick, C. J., & Noser, A. E. (2017). Bidirectional associations between psychological states and physical activity in adolescents: A mHealth pilot study [Journal Articles]. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 42, 559–568.
Cushing, C. C. (2017). eHealth applications in pediatric psychology [Book Chapters]. In M. C. Roberts & R. G. Steele (Eds.), Handbook of Pediatric Psychology 5th ed. (pp. 201–211).
Fedele, D. A., Cushing, C. C., Fritz, A., Amaro, C. M., & Ortega, A. (2017). Mobile health interventions for improving health outcomes in youth: A meta-analysis [Journal Articles]. JAMA Pediatrics, 171, 461–469.
Brannon, E. E., Cushing, C. C., Crick, C. J., & Mitchell, T. B. (2016). The promise of wearable sensors and ecological momentary assessment measures for dynamical systems modeling in adolescents: A feasibility and acceptability study [Journal Articles]. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 6(4), 558–565.
Brannon, E. E., & Cushing, C. C. (2015). A systematic review: Is there an app for that? Translational science of pediatric behavior change for physical activity and dietary interventions [Journal Articles]. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 40.
Cushing, C. C., Walters, R. W., & Hoffman, L. (2014). Aggregated N-of-1 randomized controlled trials: Modern data analytics applied to a clinically valid method of intervention effectiveness [Journal Articles]. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 39, 138–150.
Awards & Honors —
Routh Early Career Award in Pediatric Psychology
Society of Pediatric Psychology
Society of Pediatric Psychology
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Pathophysiology and Treatment of Pediatric Functional Abdominal Pain. Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics. $89440.00. (2/1/2015 - 7/31/2021). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded
ReACT an Adaptive Mobile Health Intervention for Adolescent Asthma. 1R56HL141394-01A1. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; National Institutes of Health. $775827.00. (9/1/2018 - 8/31/2021). Federal. Status: Funded
Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) Within A Mobile App for Clinician Feedback. National Eating Disorders Association. $50000.00. (1/1/2017 - 12/31/2019). Foundation. Status: Funded