Annie Chuning

- BS (2020) Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Contact Info
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
My research interests focus on improving daily life for children with chronic illnesses and their families. Specifically, I have an interest in exploring cognitive decision-making (e.g., delay-discounting), emotional mechanisms (i.e., emotional awareness), and social support as possible intervention targets to empower families to thrive within and beyond medical settings. As a scientist with physical disabilities but many other social privileges, I am eager to learn about community-based participatory research and advocacy so that my work may be guided by the voices of patients, parents, and providers, not just my own ideas or assumptions. I have a particular passion for supporting families with medical complexities pre- and post-discharge from neonatal or pediatric ICUs and promoting healthy behaviors in children and adolescents with allergic diseases such as asthma or food allergies.
Selected Publications —
Chuning, A. E., Persich, M.R., Cloonan, S., Killgore, W. D. S., & Smith, R. (Under Review). An Exploratory and Confirmatory Study of Resilience as a Moderator for the Relationship Between Depression and Anxiety and Well-Being. Personality and Individual Differences.
Smith, R., Persich, M. R., Chuning, A. E., Cloonan, S., Woods-Lubert, R., Skalamera, J., Berryhill, S. M., Weihs, K. L., Lane, R. D., Allen, J. J. B., Dailey, N. S., Alkozei, A., Vanuk, J. R., Killgore, W. D. (In Press). Improvements in Mindfulness, Interoceptive and Emotional Awareness, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Emotion Management Following Completion of an Online Emotional Skills Training Program. Emotion.
Smith, R., Taylor, S., Wilson, R. C., Chuning, A. E., Persich, M.R., Wang, S., & Killgore, W. D. (2022). Lower levels of directed exploration and reflective thinking are associated with greater anxiety and depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 782136.
Selected Presentations —
Chuning, A. E., Smith, R., Lavalley, C. A., Forthman, K. L., & Thompson, W. K. (April 2023). The Impact of Asthma on Neurocognitive Performance: Preliminary Results from the ABCD Study. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference; Allergic Diseases SIG Award Winner.
Chuning, A. E., Dattilo, T. M., Fisher, R. S., Chaney, J. M., Mullins, L. L. (April 2022). The role of illness uncertainty in the relationship between stigma and adjustment in adolescents and young adults with a chronic medical condition. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference.